Forest Garden

Native Tree Fruits

Growing up, cooler temperatures and changing colors signified two things: fall camping, and pawpaw season. My dad and I knew of a well-kept secret grove of mature trees just a short hike from our house. I remember shaking the trees one by one and collecting bag after bag of the […]

Forest Gardening

Most people know of food forests where fruiting trees are planted as the succession species with edible veggies and herbs growing on the edges. That farming practice is usually performed in less densely planted areas were earth works can be performed. Forest gardening is similar to a food forest but […]

Plants Native to the Property

One of the best things about hiking around our property is finding and identifying what we have growing here naturally. With each passing season, we find more we failed to notice the time before!   Trees Common Name Latin Name Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata […]